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 It seems I was just created to make....I love to make things what some people call art ...but I'm really just inspired and moved so much by people and things and art that I just have to be part of it....There will probably never be just one thing that I do ..I dont seem to have one distinct artisitc style, always some new thing that I want to try....but I know so far that I love to write, paint, draw, sew and even sing, ...some things I'm not so good at...others i'm kinda OK 


so if you want to know what I do...I make things...i'm a Maker and my hope and mantra is to "make it beautiful" & to just spread some happiness, beauty and feel good feelings around

#magazinejunkie #oxfordobsessed #fashionstalker #beautylover #proudtrini #childoftheKING #myFather'sdaughter #Jesuslover 


And if you're moved or share the vision and love for the things I make feel free to contact me for one or  ALL ;) of my pieces 


let's connect @ 


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